Fleas are very common; they are part and parcel of owning a pet. They are all around us and jump onto your pet from infested environments such as homes, gardens and parks. Flea and tick control is important as they can cause serous discomfort, allergies and disease. Contact Us for an appointment to discuss Flea and Tick treatment
What should I know about fleas?
Fleas are very common; they are part and parcel of owning a pet. They are all around us and jump onto your pet from infested environments such as homes, gardens and parks. Fleas breed more successfully in warmer conditions so owner should check their pets coat for fleas regularly if the pet lives indoors and during the Spring and Summer months.
How do I check for fleas?
Fleas may be difficult to find on your pets coat but flea dirt is a give away sign that fleas have been present. Comb your pets coat and collect any debris onto a wet piece of paper and if the specks dissolve to give a red/brown patch this is evidence that fleas have been feeding from your pet. The red/brown patch being dried digested blood from your pet excreted by the fleas.
Are there other problems associated with fleas?
The skin irritation and pain caused by fleas is only part of your pet’s problem. Fleas can also cause a Flea Allergy Dermatitis – a skin condition caused by an allergy to flea saliva and faeces. This condition can be difficult to control and is life long. Tapeworms also rely on fleas to complete their lifecycle so animals with fleas are more likely to have worms. Also heavy infestation of fleas can cause blood loss in puppies and kittens.
How do I treat a flea infestation?
The flea lifecycle is complex and most of it takes place in your pet’s environment rather than on your pet itself. Unfortunately flea combs, collars and shampoos do not have any lasting effect but a simple topical application of a good quality prescription flea control product every 4-6 weeks will be enough to prevent a flea infestation. Environmental controls, such as vacuuming, washing pets bedding and insecticidal sprays may be also necessary. If you see fleas or evidence of fleas on your pet, a visit to our clinic would then be recommended.
What should I know about Ticks?
Ticks are not as common as fleas but wherever you live in the Ireland, your pet can pick up ticks – from your garden, urban parks but mostly likely in wet grassy rural areas. Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that pierce your pet’s skin with their mouthparts and cement themselves into position to prevent easy removal. They are small when they attach and might not be visible but once they engorge themselves with blood, they are very obvious.
- Due to the method of attachment and their blood-feeding process, ticks can cause several different problems for your pet – including diseases such as Lyme’s disease.
- Examine your pet regularly and particularly after they’ve been in areas that are likely to be tick infested, such as parkland, bogs and woodland.
- Apply a topical tick prescription control product monthly to kill ticks.
- Once dead, many ticks will drop off naturally but if they don’t simply remove them with a gentle pull – preferably with tweezers.
- Prior travelling to the EU (with an up to date Pet Passport) your pet requires tick treatment in the 24 -48 hour period prior to travelling. Please see our EU Pet Passport section for all detailed information or Contact Us for further queries.